Monday, May 29, 2006

Ditch the Phone Company, Buy more gas.


Welcome to my the VOIP Gazette. I am a new VOIP user. When I was looking for a VOIP provider I was a complete VOIP novice. My only aim was to switch to VOIP and save some money on my long distance bill. My story begins when I set out to find a provider. The more time I spent on the internet looking for provider, the more I got confused. I had so many questions. Not all voip providers are made equal. My parents live in India, I make frequent India calls. That brought one more complication to my VOIP search. Some like Netzero Voice (has a free one month offer now) and Yahoo Messenger with Voice offer PC to Phone service for a fee and have good international rates. Some offer Phone to Phone service only. Some voip providers have excellent international rates but not so good call quality. Then there are providers like Spokn, still in beta, which offers free PC to Phone service, both domestic and international. Wow.... free international calls... am I dreaming. But anyway, with so many variables to consider, I went back to the internet, tried to read about voip as much as I could, narrowed down my choices. And today I am a proud voip user. Didn't somebody say, "when the student is ready, the teacher arrives". In this blog I plan to discuss my voip shopping experience and some of my findings. Stay tuned. Let's all ditch our regular phone company, switch to voip and save a few bucks, so that we can buy some more gas :-). Stay tuned.

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